Suzhou Taihu Tourism Development Co., Ltd.


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Taihu Food Directory: Lan · Teppanyaki Restaurant

Taihu Food Directory: Lan · Teppanyaki Restaurant

  • Categories:Food Map
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  • Time of issue:2020-02-24 15:24
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(Summary description)The Lan Teppanyaki restaurant is located on the second floor of the Taimeiyijun Hotel in Suzhou. The design breaks the tradition, the space adopts the "subtraction principle", and uses simple lines to

Taihu Food Directory: Lan · Teppanyaki Restaurant

(Summary description)The Lan Teppanyaki restaurant is located on the second floor of the Taimeiyijun Hotel in Suzhou. The design breaks the tradition, the space adopts the "subtraction principle", and uses simple lines to

  • Categories:Food Map
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2020-02-24 15:24
  • Views:
  The Lan Teppanyaki restaurant is located on the second floor of the Taimeiyijun Hotel in Suzhou. The design breaks the tradition, the space adopts the "subtraction principle", and uses simple lines to form a natural and casual Japanese style.
  The large floor-to-ceiling windows design introduces the lush green scenery outside the window. Sitting opposite, you can vaguely see the bamboo and stone mountains in the distance.
  The flexible lighting in the dining area of ​​the bar is like beads of Xiaolu, hung under it, and it is full of water. The Japanese tableware adds a touch of zen to the space.
  As a more advanced iron plate material in Japanese food, Lan · Teppanyaki Restaurant pays more attention to the original flavor in the selection of ingredients. Diners who do n’t like Japanese food “cold” can also be fully taken care of here.
  The restaurant can accommodate 26 people dining at the same time, the open kitchen, steak, lobster, beef tongue, foie gras ... will be in your attention, complete the transformation from raw to cooked on the iron plate.
Teppan Filet Mignon
When the steak sizzles on the iron plate
The scent of meat rushed out of the face, making it irresistible
Bite a thick steak
The gravy fills the mouth instantly
Pan-fried beef tongue
Beef tongue is extremely tender and contains moist oil
Just fry until 7 mature, you can enjoy this delicious
Each piece of beef tongue is uniform in size and tastes crisp and tender
Can chew a little milk flavor
Baked Lobster with Cheese
Choose a small green dragon with a big palm
Cheese blessing, cooked
The sweetness of the shrimp itself and the saltiness of the cheese
Subtle blend in the mouth
  In addition to teppanyaki, there is also a supply of sashimi, which completely satisfies the taste buds of the old gluttons. Thick cut salmon, sweet shrimp, Arctic shellfish ... the satisfaction brought by a sashimi, you can feel it here ~
Sashimi platter
Each piece of sashimi is a delicacy created by a delicate knife
The angle, strength, and thickness are extra particular
Plump and thick salmon, soft and delicate tuna
Crispy and tender Arctic shellfish, sweet and rich peony shrimp
  With a spade and a knife, the material is picturesque, and the Lan · Teppanyaki restaurant allows guests to enjoy the magical experience of flame and food.

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