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Suzhou Taihu · Mountaineering Walking Tour

Suzhou Taihu · Mountaineering Walking Tour

  • Categories:Outdoor line
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  • Time of issue:2020-02-26 02:02
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(Summary description)Let's step into the west mountainWandering in the arms of nature Experience nature with non-visual senses

Suzhou Taihu · Mountaineering Walking Tour

(Summary description)Let's step into the west mountainWandering in the arms of nature Experience nature with non-visual senses

  • Categories:Outdoor line
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2020-02-26 02:02
  • Views:
Let's step into the west mountain
Wandering in the arms of nature
Experience nature with non-visual senses
  Itinerary features:
  ☆ This trekking route passes through tea and fruit trails, villages and other cultural attractions, and the guide will explain the story of Wu's hometown along the way
  ☆ In the autumn, Xishan has abundant products and unlimited scenery along the way. The oranges and chestnuts can be seen everywhere, making the whole trip vivid and interesting;
  ☆ Yoga experience will be carried out during the trekking process to feel the nature at a deeper level.
9: 10-9: 50
Hotel gather to Zhangwu
9: 50-11: 30
Mountain hiking, yoga stretching on top of the mountain
11: 30-13: 00
Yuyangshan Mountain Top Meal
  Experience the different nature with different senses, the Zhangwu Mingyue Bay route has a total length of 7km, which includes a half-hour yoga stretching experience.
  No garbage is generated during the entire trekking process. If you have the ability, you can prepare environmentally friendly garbage bags and pick up the garbage on the mountain.
  This hiking trail connects Zhangwu and Mingyue Bay's hidden mountain trails. Loquat, bayberry, and orange trees are planted along the mountain, also known as "tea-fruit trail".
  In the spring and autumn, Wu Yue competed, and Xishan was the frontline position of Wu Kingdom, leaving many legends and relics about King Wu. The Ming Dynasty poet Gao Qi's interpretation of this place is: "Ming Yue is everywhere, the preference of the moon here!" Then let us walk together in the ancient village and have an in-depth interpretation.
  The stone road that passes through the ancient village of Mingyue Bay comes to the foot of the mountain. The road uphill is not steep, and children can easily climb.
  Ascending to the top of the mountain, overlooking the entire Taihu Lake, the scenery is beautiful. At the top of the mountain, we do yoga with our teacher and stretch our muscles. The large Biluochun tea fields are nearby.
  All the way down the Chatian Trail, you can see a cement avenue, go out along this road, you can go to the Zhangwu exit, and go to the farmhouse to enjoy the rich Taihu Lake.
◆ Suzhou Taihu · Hiking Experience Tour ◆

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