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Departure from Taihu Lake! Visit Qili Mountain Pond at night and feel the charm of Gusu

Departure from Taihu Lake! Visit Qili Mountain Pond at night and feel the charm of Gusu

  • Categories:Night tour
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  • Time of issue:2019-06-14 09:54
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(Summary description)After the night tour of Pingjiang Road / Jinji Lake / Net Master Garden Yuyang Travel Agency "Depart from Taihu Lake, Suzhou at Night" New night tours are launched!

Departure from Taihu Lake! Visit Qili Mountain Pond at night and feel the charm of Gusu

(Summary description)After the night tour of Pingjiang Road / Jinji Lake / Net Master Garden Yuyang Travel Agency "Depart from Taihu Lake, Suzhou at Night" New night tours are launched!

  • Categories:Night tour
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2019-06-14 09:54
  • Views:
After the night tour of Pingjiang Road / Jinji Lake / Net Master Garden
Yuyang Travel Agency "Depart from Taihu Lake, Suzhou at Night"
New night tours are launched!
Take a look at the ancient alleys of ancient streets and take a leisurely ride on a flat boat
A Shantang Street, half of Gusu City
Waiting for your experience
◆ Suzhou Night Tour Classic Line ◆
Shantang Street
Flash purchase price ¥ 68 yuan / person
Grab it now >>
Number requirements
Group of 20 or more
(Less than 20 people, full refund for cancellation of the itinerary)
Experience location
Shantang Street Scenic Area
departure time
every day
18: 20-19: 05
Pick up and drop off in turn from hotel to Shantang Street
19: 05-21: 15
free time
21: 15-22: 00
Gather back to the hotels
  1. The order acceptance time is unified until 12:00 on the day to receive orders;
  2. At the time of purchase, you need to note the departure location, play location, and travel time. After the order is successfully placed, the customer service staff will confirm the information with you in time;
  3. The above price includes transportation fees and travel insurance, full-time private car transfer;
  4. Hotel pick-up: Taimei · Xiangguli Hotel, Yuyang Pier · Huyi, Renaissance Suzhou Taihu Hotel, Suzhou Taihu Marriott Hotel, Suzhou Xiangshan International Hotel, Suzhou Taihu International Youth Hostel.
Shantang Street
  "The epitome of old Suzhou, the window of Wu culture". Shantang Old Street is 360 meters in length and gathers the essence of Qili Shantang. Twilight hung down, stepped into Shantang Street, all kinds of shops had put up lights, white walls and gray tiles showed the charm of Jiangnan under the soft light.
  Stepping on the blue stone slab, a thick history and culture breathed out. Tang Shaofu's Bai Gong Temple and Yu Han Tang are the former residence of Wu Yipeng, the shangshu of the Ming Dynasty ritual department.
  Shantang Street also has city fireworks and petty bourgeoisie. Taohuawu woodcut New Year pictures, red sandalwood wood carvings, stone carvings, embroidery and other characteristic shops line the streets. Traditional Suzhou flavor and net red food shops are one after another, which is enough to satisfy every tourist's ecstasy.
Shantang Cruise
  The mountain pond at night is more worthy of lingering on a leaf painting. The ancients toured the mountain pond. Most of them took a boat. It is a high-end and exquisite lantern boat painting. Drinking wine and tasting tea. Facing the water and yearning for the mountain, it is really "man is a fairy in the boat".
  As the cruise ships go all the way from Tonggui Bridge, Star Bridge, Shaanxi Guild Hall, Youyi Bridge, Li Hongzhang Ancestral Hall, etc., you can appreciate the unique water lane style, typical Jiangnan folk style, fresh folk customs and charming landscape in Shantang area light.
  Night cruise ticket sales time: 18: 00-20: 30
  Tour time: 50-60 minutes on weekdays; 45 minutes on Golden Week
  Ticket price: 60 yuan / person (free for children below 1.2 meters; half price for children between 1.2-1.4 meters; full ticket for children above 1.4 meters)
  Boarding / disembarking terminal: Xinshiqiao Terminal
The lantern lights the street corner, and the waves reflect the ancient bridge
The night of the millennium ancient city Suzhou
Is a style that can only be understood

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