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Suzhou Taihu · Shibi Yonghui Zen Temple boutique meditation, experience the wonderful meaning of life in the breath

Suzhou Taihu · Shibi Yonghui Zen Temple boutique meditation, experience the wonderful meaning of life in the breath

  • Categories:Meditation line
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  • Time of issue:2018-12-07 10:18
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(Summary description)Shibi Yonghui Temple, located in Guangfu Panzhi Mountain, was built in the second year of Ming Jiajing (1523). The original name was "Shibi Jingshe", which was named after the temple's back carved by

Suzhou Taihu · Shibi Yonghui Zen Temple boutique meditation, experience the wonderful meaning of life in the breath

(Summary description)Shibi Yonghui Temple, located in Guangfu Panzhi Mountain, was built in the second year of Ming Jiajing (1523). The original name was "Shibi Jingshe", which was named after the temple's back carved by

  • Categories:Meditation line
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2018-12-07 10:18
  • Views:
The Brahma sounds curled up and dusted off
Soothe the soul and experience the pure life of Zen Temple
First Understanding · Shibi Yonghui Temple
  Shibi Yonghui Temple, located in Guangfu Panzhi Mountain, was built in the second year of Ming Jiajing (1523). The original name was "Shibi Jingshe", which was named after the temple's back carved by a hundred-year-old stone cliff.
  According to legend, the Hanshan Master Yunyou, one of the four monks in the late Ming Dynasty, arrived here. Seeing the silver light flashing in front of her, the water and the sky were connected, thinking that this place was a rare treasure for Buddhists.
  The whole temple is built along the mountain. Due to the high and low, it stands between the pine and cypress, the flowing water, the hall and the pavilion. It needs to be leveled up and visited above. "The bamboo path leads to a secluded place, and the Zen house is deep in flowers and trees." The short uphill road has also become a soothing enjoyment.
  The temple was originally Linjizong's dojo, and there are several tombs of Linjizong masters on the mountain. Legendary figures such as Hanshan Shangren, Wang Youdeng, Weng Fanggang, Wu Meicun, Xugu, Li Genyuan, Jiang Hanting, etc. have left traces here, and understated the cultural background behind Yonghui Temple.
△ Remains of some famous masters
  Shengjing has its prosperity and decline, and the ancient temples are long-lasting. Yonghui Chan Temple is on the hills far away from the ancient city.
Shen Xin · Fine High-end Meditation
  Be in the Zen temple, listen to the chanting sound, smell the light sandalwood, remove the troubles, the joy of purification of the soul; get close to the monastery, increase the wisdom of fortune, and expand the merits of good karma.
Meditate on the experience
Nourish your heart and eat vegetarian food
in the afternoon
Study scriptures, experience copying
  Sitting and meditation, walking and meditation, silent and natural movement. Zen meditation and meditation combine the body, mind, and mind. "Cultivation in stillness" and "Training in motion" are clear and profound principles and practice opportunities.
Linshui · Zhaizhai
  The small and exquisite restaurant lives by the water, and beyond the window is the vast Taihu Lake. The monastery strictly abides by the rules for cooking, and vegetarian nutrition is reasonable. Live in silence and experience the quiet life of the temple.
Xijing · Zencha
  Follow the master to study the scriptures and learn nourishing life wisdom. Let go of dust, anger, gains and losses, and concentrate on copying the sutras to find well-being for yourself and your family. Zen tea blindly tastes the tea and tastes the mind, the body and mind are quiet, and you are aware of the moment.
△ Zen Room
◆ Suzhou Taihu · Shibi Yonghui Zen Temple Fine Meditation ◆
Original price: 688 yuan / person
Flash purchase price: 428 yuan / person
Grab it now >>
Number of meditation rules
15 people start classes
(Maximum 20 people / class, less than 15 people, itinerary cancellation, full refund)
Meditation location
Inside Shihui Yonghui Temple of Guangfu Town
Price includes
Shibi Yonghui Zen Temple Fine Meditation Course
1 lunch at Suanzain Temple
Provide fruit and tea service
Shuttle bus
Assembly time
8:50 am
(Specifically notified by the tour guide in advance)
  1. Please dress lightly and loosely, it is not recommended to bring valuables;
  2. The number of packages is limited, subject to reservation, at least one week in advance to make a reservation; when buying, you need to note the date of meditation; after the order is successfully placed, a customer service staff will confirm the information;
  3. Hotel pick-up: Suzhou Xiangshan International Hotel, Suzhou Taihu International Youth Hostel, Suzhou Taimei · Xiangguli Hotel, Renaissance Suzhou Taihu Hotel, Suzhou Taihu Marriott Hotel, Yuyang Pier · Huyi.

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