Suzhou Taihu Tourism Development Co., Ltd.


Taihu Lake
It took them 15 hours to engrave the legend of the tongue for thousands of years

It took them 15 hours to engrave the legend of the tongue for thousands of years

  • Categories:Star Dish
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  • Time of issue:2020-04-24 17:27
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(Summary description)The Chinese have always been naming the food. There is no lion in the "lion head", but it makes people feel that both form and spirit.

It took them 15 hours to engrave the legend of the tongue for thousands of years

(Summary description)The Chinese have always been naming the food. There is no lion in the "lion head", but it makes people feel that both form and spirit.

  • Categories:Star Dish
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2020-04-24 17:27
  • Views:
  The Chinese have always been naming the food. There is no lion in the "lion head", but it makes people feel that both form and spirit.
  "But it will be matched with two crabs. There is really a Yangzhou crane in the world."
  The ancients compared eating crab meat and chopping meat to the jolly fairy who rides a crane down to Yangzhou, which shows the deliciousness of the crab powder lion head. It seems ordinary, but in fact all five senses are "full".
  Lion's head is one of the representatives of Huaiyang cuisine. It has been a star dish on the royal table since the Emperor Sui Yang, and it is a must-eat for Jiangnan in the sixth round of Qianlong. The name "Lion's Head" was given from "Sunflower Chopping Meat", and the ancient royal family did not hesitate to love this dish.
  Between the vulgar and elegant, this dish, which can provide a glimpse of the past one or two, is ingeniously interpreted by the Renaissance Chinese Restaurant and continues the charm of the next millennium.
  △ "Culinary Master"-Mr. Zhou Guorong, Director of Food and Beverage, Renaissance & Marriott Hotel, Taihu Lake, Suzhou, decrypted the whole process of "Crab Powder Lion Head".
  It is not as easy as ordinary meatballs to cook a lion head with crab flavor. There is no tricky way. From the selection of materials, it is very particular.
  60% fine and 40% fat pork belly must be patiently cut into garnet size with one knife.
  Hand-made clockwise to make the meat particles, adjust the taste and put it in the refrigerator to refrigerate for 4 hours, let each meat particle inhale the full taste.
  Have a group by hand for nearly an hour, and fight hard. The flesh is round and has a bumpy surface like a lion head.
  The cooking of crab powder lion head is very important. Can only be patient, boil for 8 hours on a slow fire. A fat lion's head was not successful until the fat was fully cooked, the crystal-like fat seemed to melt, and the lean flesh was prominent.
  Loose and loose meatballs with fatty crab paste and crab powder are tender and melt in the mouth, and are fresh with teeth. The heat and skill subvert the "big meat" itself, which is completely different from the ordinary meatballs, leaving only the soft and dense taste buds like tofu.
  Such a lion head cannot be clipped with chopsticks, it must be scooped with a spoon, which is as tender as tofu.
  ——Liang Shiqiu
  It took 15 hours to cook a crab powder lion head with meat fat, and became the legend of "tenderness like tofu". The chef takes food seriously and meticulously, much longer than these 15 hours.
  The chef's ingenuity is consistent, presenting 101 points for each dish. The Renaissance Chinese Restaurant specializes in local dishes, and at the same time integrates Huaiyang cuisine and other cuisines for innovative fusion, keeping the authentic taste of the food for the diners.
  It is said that fireworks will go to Yangzhou in March, and now comes to Taihu in midsummer in August. It is also worth it for this dish alone.

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