Suzhou Taihu Tourism Development Co., Ltd.


Taihu Lake
Eat a bite of spring, and the glutinous green dumplings come!

Eat a bite of spring, and the glutinous green dumplings come!

  • Categories:Cloud Kitchen
  • Author:
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  • Time of issue:2020-02-29 13:41
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(Summary description)Stayed for so longWho is not a foodie yet?

Eat a bite of spring, and the glutinous green dumplings come!

(Summary description)Stayed for so longWho is not a foodie yet?

  • Categories:Cloud Kitchen
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2020-02-29 13:41
  • Views:
Stayed for so long
Who is not a foodie yet?
"Suzhou Taihu Exhibition" WeChat Official Account
Hotels under United Travel
Specially launched the "Taihu Cloud Kitchen" column
In a "contactless teaching" way
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Let you easily engrave hotel dishes at home and transform into a "family chef"
Holiday with Chai Mi You Yan
"Second Issue of" Taihu Cloud Kitchen "丨 Knowing the taste of spring, the glutinous green dumplings come here"
Chef Today
/ Suzhou Taimei · Xiangguli Hotel /
Xu Haijuan, senior pastry chef in the Chinese kitchen
Sing like this in the Suzhou pastry custom song
"The Lantern Festival in January, the back-up cake in February, and the Youth Ball in March ..."
The epidemic can "cut off" all the flowers
But can't stop the coming of spring
The surface of the water is flat and the branches will be full
I can't travel in spring now
But after eating this spring full of "green dumplings"
I can live up to this spring
△ For details, please click to watch the video
Raw material preparation
  Ingredients: 400g glutinous rice flour, 200g spinach, 200g red bean paste
  Accessories: 25g pork oil, 25g sugar, 50g water
  Production Method
  ? Weigh and prepare all main materials and auxiliary materials in advance, wash and cut spinach, and cut lard into small pieces for future use.
  Put the spinach and pure water into the cooking machine to squeeze the juice.
  Add proper amount of sugar to the filtered spinach juice to remove astringency.
  Add a small amount of spinach juice to the glutinous rice flour and mix well.
  Knead the dough repeatedly until the surface is smooth and non-sticky.
  Sprinkle dry powder on the chopping board and knead the dough into strips.
  Use a knife to cut the dough into several doughs of even size.
  ? Press the small dough out of the small nest with your thumb and fill it with bean paste and lard.
  Use your palms and thumb to close inward and rub into a circle.
  Put the ready-made green dumpling embryo into the steamer and steam it in 7-8 minutes.
  Tips: Master Xu also shared a trick to make the color of the Youth League look better. Use a brush to evenly brush the cooked rapeseed oil on the surface of the steamed Youth League to form dense bubbles that wrap the dumplings. The green dumplings are more and more coquettish!
Okay, today's "Taihu Cloud Kitchen" online small class
Class is coming!
Let's summarize today's class
The extraordinary period can meet the following points:
· The ingredients are easy to buy, you don't need to buy food on the App;
· Simple practice, delicious and healthy, suitable for cooking with children;
· It's very beautiful, you can take pictures and send friends circle.
"Or do you want to eat it faster?"
Suzhou Taihu Exhibition x Taimei · Xiangguli Hotel
Special launch
One taste of spring " hand-made custom Soviet-style youth league
Give this soft glutinous spring to you
Scan the QR code below to buy now
You can take the green dumplings home
Special period, only for self mention
Exclusive price: ¥ 25 yuan / 8 tablets
After ordering, please book 12 hours before delivery
Then the next issue
Which chef in which hotel?
Go online and interact with everyone?
Let's wait and see together ~~

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