Suzhou Taihu Tourism Development Co., Ltd.


Taihu Lake
Yīxí jiā yàn, mǎnmù měijǐng 10/5000 A feast, full of beautiful scenery

Yīxí jiā yàn, mǎnmù měijǐng 10/5000 A feast, full of beautiful scenery

  • Categories:Cultural Feast
  • Author:
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  • Time of issue:2019-04-30 15:48
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(Summary description)Xiangshan Taste Chinese Restaurant of Xiangshan International Hotel takes the food as a pen, blends this painting with thousands of ingredients, and carefully presents a wonderful Dragon Boat Festival

Yīxí jiā yàn, mǎnmù měijǐng 10/5000 A feast, full of beautiful scenery

(Summary description)Xiangshan Taste Chinese Restaurant of Xiangshan International Hotel takes the food as a pen, blends this painting with thousands of ingredients, and carefully presents a wonderful Dragon Boat Festival

  • Categories:Cultural Feast
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2019-04-30 15:48
  • Views:
In early summer, the fragrance of Mizuki is rich and delicate
Suzhou ushers in its season of fullness and deliciousness
Paint the tongue tip of the summer time on a table
At the end of this warm spring, let the early summer see signs
Slowly lay out a wonderful summer scene for diners
  Xiangshan Taste Chinese Restaurant of Xiangshan International Hotel takes the food as a pen, blends this painting with thousands of ingredients, and carefully presents a wonderful Dragon Boat Festival feast.
Emerald red
  Cherries and broad beans are both summertime objects. When the summer wind rises, it is the cherry red, the red is vivid and gorgeous, and the watercress comes with the deliciousness of the rose watercress. Appetizer small dish, the most suitable to chat with before dinner.
Dragon Boat Festival Sanhuang
Cold dishes
Toon Tofu
  Toon, as one of the three fresh trees in Suzhou, is made into a smart fish together with snow-white tofu. It is cooked in the simplest way, keeping the original flavor of the ingredients.
Yam cherry
  Chinese yam has the effect of eliminating annoying heat. It is a very suitable ingredient for eating in summer. The appearance of yam is ingenious and difficult to distinguish between true and false. Sweet and soft waxy wraps the taste buds, as if the body and mind are floating in the breeze.
Bad sprouts
  The yellowish buds go bad, with a hint of spicy taste, and the appetite is opened in minutes, the mouth is crisp, the taste is fresh, and the aftertaste is strong.
Umi Purple Roll
  Summer is here, it's time to eat black rice. Umi rice is sushi-like, soft and glutinous with fragrant meat floss, one bite, the fragrance of the leaves, the soft and sweet taste, sticky but not sticky.
Cucumber clip
  During the lunch, eat three yellows (cucumber / yellow croaker / eel). Cucumbers are natural ingredients that cannot be missed. The green cucumber wraps the golden egg rolls, dipped in the sauce and eaten, the crisp and refreshing cucumbers, the soft and fragrant egg rolls are really wonderful.
  How can there be no bad smell in summer? The small wine bowl is filled with half a jar of stewed pork, soaked in pork belly, duck paw, chicken wings, gigantic shrimp, edamame festival ... the rich ingredients "braised" in one place is a refreshing summer dish.
Sweet and Sour Pork Chops
  The sweet and sour sweet and sour sauce fully wraps each piece of soft-roasted pork chops, and there is a slight sweetness for a long time after eating, which is a taste that makes people care about it.
Sautéed River Prawn
  In the feast of Suzhou, there is no shortage of shrimp. After the oil explosion, the shrimp shell becomes crisp, the shrimp is tender and sweet, and it brings two different tastes to the taste buds.
Lixia see three fresh
Hot dishes
Green Boat Shrimp
  The cucumber is made into a delicate boat, full of crystal clear shrimps, like a fishing boat returning from the Taihu Lake with full load, or like a crew who is fighting passionately for the dragon boat race. At the same time pleasing to the eye, the taste also adds a refreshing.
Liangxi Crispy Eel
  As a classic dish in Jiangnan, the exquisite display makes it more attractive. Liangxi Crispy Eel has a dark black oily appearance, a crispy entrance, and a sweet and salty taste.
  The most wonderful thing about this dish is the fat under the scale that melts away at the entrance. The aroma of wine moisturizes and tenderly penetrates every part of the whole fish. The fish is white and tender, and the wine brewing brings out the fresh sweetness of the next level.
Yellow croaker
  The yellow croaker, one of the three yellow croakers, is fried crispy, and the shape of each yellow croaker can be controlled well because of the strict control of the heat and oil temperature. A yellow croaker jumped up, full of good signs.
Amaranth Soup
  Amaranth is a common side dish on the dining table of Suzhou people around Lixia. At this time, the amaranth is not high or short. After a night of dew, it is moist and delicate.
Mom fava
  Suzhou people are very fond of broad beans. The local broad beans in the summer are tender and delicate, sweet and glutinous, and they can be simply fried with green onions.
Chicken fire garlic seedlings
  Lixia's garlic seedlings are the most fresh and refreshing, "chicken fire" refers to shredded chicken and shredded ham. The fragrance is crisp and tender, and it is a rare antibacterial dish in the summer.
Taihu Lake
  The ruined Taihu grass carp, with a ray of green cabbage, the soup is refreshing and non-greasy, and the fresh fragrance is all melted in the soup.
Dim Sum
Shuanghui cake dumplings
  It's the Dragon Boat Festival, but how can there be no dumplings. One cake and one rice dumpling reflect each other, and "cake rice dumpling" also means "high school", which is a good sign for the students who will enter the examination room in summer time.
Mung bean sugar porridge
  Tuk Tuk Tuk, sugar porridge arrived. A bowl of thick and fragrant white rice porridge with a grind of green bean paste is essential for cooling off in summer. With a sip, the greasy feeling suddenly dissipated.
Breeze Three Shrimp
Staple food
Three shrimp two sides yellow
  This is a seasonal limited edition in the midsummer season. The super luxurious combination of three shrimp noodles + two sides yellow, shrimp seed fragrance, shrimp shells, shrimp yellow fragrance ... The essence of the whole river shrimp is composed of a topping, poured on the golden yellow two sides . Hey, he couldn't stop after a bite.
Red and green
  Green cucumbers, orange cherries, bright red strawberries, the three fruits that symbolize summer make up a beautiful view of red fat and green skin, and a fruity and fruity plate full of refreshing and fresh taste.
Under the guidance of foodie teacher Ye Zhengting
Chef Lubin of Xiangshan International Hotel leads the team
Explore the delicious food together
Create authentic Su-style taste of exclusive summer
Flavor of Xiangshan · Danwu Summer Feast
-Privilege price-
¥ 180-258 / person (minimum 10 people)
* Dragon's lunch feast dishes can be customized according to demand.
-Booking phone-
-Restaurant address-
No. 128 Huan Taihu Avenue, Suzhou Taihu National Tourism Resort
Light sweat permeates the blue duan Ming Dynasty Dragon Boat Bath Fang Lan
Rich incense full of Qingchuan color thread lightly rubbing ruby ​​arm
Xiaofu obliquely hung green clouds

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