Suzhou Taihu Tourism Development Co., Ltd.


Taihu Lake
Everything from spring to the world is fresh, and beautiful dishes are all at this table.

Everything from spring to the world is fresh, and beautiful dishes are all at this table.

  • Categories:Cultural Feast
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  • Time of issue:2019-03-22 15:49
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(Summary description)The spring of Suzhou Taihu Lake is inseparable from the scent of Biluo spring tea. This is the origin of Dongting Biluochun. In the spring of March, tea farmers are busy picking and frying tea, and th

Everything from spring to the world is fresh, and beautiful dishes are all at this table.

(Summary description)The spring of Suzhou Taihu Lake is inseparable from the scent of Biluo spring tea. This is the origin of Dongting Biluochun. In the spring of March, tea farmers are busy picking and frying tea, and th

  • Categories:Cultural Feast
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2019-03-22 15:49
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Taste a bite in spring and return to the grass and trees room
Spring bamboo shoots, broad beans, tang fish,
Sauce meat, snails, toon, five heads in early spring ...
Jiangnan on the tip of the tongue started in the spring
  The spring of Suzhou Taihu Lake is inseparable from the scent of Biluo spring tea. This is the origin of Dongting Biluochun. In the spring of March, tea farmers are busy picking and frying tea, and they are dedicated to leaves and leaves. A sip is like drinking all spring into my heart.
  The Xiangshan Taste Chinese Restaurant takes Biluochun as the guide, selects spring foods and delicacies, and constantly refines the essence of traditional cooking, deliberately cooking the unique delicious spring.
  Take a seat and brew a cup of Biluochun. The water temperature of 80 ℃ locks the spring of Bitan. During the banquet, the spring music whispered softly, pink and willow green, and birds scented flowers.
  The cold cut was also quite painstaking, and played the first note of the "Spring Fresh" movement.
Ikebana Myoso
  The cultural atmosphere is on the way, and it is definitely the TOP1 on the table. It means the seasonal hand-peeled spring bamboo shoots as a pen, and the homemade black rice is a pen mountain, which is edible.
Bitter Spring Toon
  "Toon is tender and silky before the rain." Select the most tender section of the toon head and simply blanch it for a little decoration to bring out the special taste of the ingredients themselves.
Rose watercress
  The verdant watercress is soft and soft, a little fragrant, a little bit of aftertaste, so tender that it can be eaten together with the shell, it is not too much to say that the entrance is melted.
Binaural piano
  A cold dish that contains the Zen of life means "the two ears don't hear the things outside the window, and they only read the book of sages." The plain taste was eaten out of the mood.
  Fresh shrimp begonia, Taihu grass carp ... Every cold dish is full of satisfaction.
  The spring color must be satined, and you can feel the natural rhythm in each chopstick. Opening the second movement of the spring breeze, the entrance will be full of spring with Jiangnan.
Biluo shrimp
  In the spring when there is fresh water and tea aroma, naturally this plate of Biluo shrimp. The white and full shrimps are embellished with three or five tender teas, and the color is light pink and green. The hand-peeled shrimp tastes smooth and tender, revealing the tender fragrance unique to Biluochun.
Snail meat
  A snail with a thick red sauce and full of snail cavity. The meat is large and tough. It is no wonder that it is visually called "duck meat in can".
  They all said, "Mingqian snails, eat goose." In another plate, the rich and plump snails of Mingqian snails were sautéed with seasonal leeks. The scent of leeks and the freshness of the snail meat can tease the taste buds in one bite.
Green fat red skinny
  Suzhou people will eat sauce meat in spring. The most attractive thing about this piece of meat is the bright red color, which is really beautiful. It's burned just right, full of gelatin crystal, soft and tender at the entrance. Surrounded by golden cauliflower, it really has the poetic beauty of green fat and red skinny.
Three mushrooms
  Yan value sent three mushrooms to go green, filled with warm spring light to serve. Mushrooms and broccoli have just the right balance of taste, so this dish also has the strength and deliciousness of not less than the value of the face.
White Sauce Yuan Yu
  White sauce yuan fish is one of the traditional dishes of Su Bang cuisine. Yuanyu is the soft-shelled turtle, and is best eaten during cauliflower season. The broth absorbs the essence of the skirt and seals the deliciousness in the meat.
  The spring breeze is also on the south bank of the green river, and the poetic and picturesque layout makes people feel like they are rippling in Taihu Lake, and you can smell the breath of spring. Indulge in it, it is wonderful.
Early spring
  The ancients said that they would "eat Suigu". The wild vegetables in spring are typical of "Suigu". The wolfberry head and the spring hydrographic head are the "two heads" in the "five heads of early spring". A touch of green is intoxicating, simple cooking can eat the original taste, and the taste of spring is all contained.
Shimizu Malan
  "February spring rain feet, green leaves and purple stems" Malantou is also a guest at the table, crisp and refreshing with a rich and simple fragrance, swallowing this spring with a bite, and the aftertaste.
  A spoonful of fresh water in the throat, Fang Jue is chicken soup. It turned out that this "clear water" was a kung fu dish. It restored the production method of "clear water" in "Dream of Red Mansions", and it was made from fresh chicken soup repeatedly.
Ancient Fazheng Tang
  "Manye sweet fragrant yellow cauliflower, Sanchun Yipin Tangnai fish." Right now, the Tangnai fish that people in Suzhou are missing are on the market. Zhengtang is the whole fish, which is what the old diners agreed to call. The ancient method is braised, and it is extremely particular about the cooking time. It is necessary to ensure that the head and tail of the pond fish are intact.
Primula Duck
  "Chunjiang Plumbing Duck Prophet." The Spring Boat Duck continues the traditional eight-treasure duck practice. The whole duck can not be loosened. The duck belly is stuffed with eight-treasure ingredients and fragrant and soft. A little surprise is still coming, and then the soup is below the soup, and the deliciousness is not reduced by half.
  Dim sum is a series of table feasts, which will be transferred between the climax. After tasting the dim sum, the Spring Festival is complete.
  The green dumplings and pine-flowered dumplings appear at the same time, symbolizing "reunion" and "perfect perfection". Both of these round dumplings are spring seasonal pastries made by Suzhou people. From green juice to pine pollen, they are all handmade traditional flavors.
Emerald Ravioli
  Emerald wonton and maize juice are skinned, and Taihu Sanbai is stuffed. With a bite, the deliciousness and freshness came out by jumping, refreshing.
Spring Banquet
  Even the fruit bowl of Shui Lingling is full of thoughts. The fresh, crisp and juicy taste of the fruit also brings a sweet taste to this spring feast.
  Hidden in the Xiangshan Flavor Chinese Restaurant on the banks of lakes and mountains, focusing on the original taste, every detail has been pondered over the choice of ingredients, color matching, and shape.
  This table is full of spring and fresh and vibrant Biluo Spring Banquet, under the guidance of Mr. Ye Zhengting. It follows the traditional cuisine of the Su Bang cuisine, one dish and one classic, not only pay attention to color and fragrance, but also pay attention to the concept of eating.
Flavor of Xiangshan · Biluo Spring Banquet
Exclusive price 300 yuan / person (starting from 10 people)
Limited to 2 tables per day, reservation is required 1 day in advance
A piece of "Spring Fresh" composed on the tongue
This is probably the best taste of spring
  Xiangshan International Hotel Xiangshan Weiwei Chinese Restaurant
  Address: No. 128, Taihu Avenue, Suzhou Taihu National Tourism Resort
  Reservation Tel: 0512-68790079

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