Suzhou Taihu Tourism Development Co., Ltd.


Taihu Lake
Seize the "fresh" machine, a warm heart feast in winter

Seize the "fresh" machine, a warm heart feast in winter

  • Categories:Cultural Feast
  • Author:
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  • Time of issue:2019-11-30 02:02
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(Summary description)Chinese food is always based on "fresh" Especially the ingredients
Cooking umami is the highest level And Suzhou people pay attention to "fresh" More extreme

Seize the "fresh" machine, a warm heart feast in winter

(Summary description)Chinese food is always based on "fresh" Especially the ingredients
Cooking umami is the highest level And Suzhou people pay attention to "fresh" More extreme

  • Categories:Cultural Feast
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2019-11-30 02:02
  • Views:
Fish and sheep feast
Chinese food is always based on "fresh"
Especially the ingredients
Cooking umami is the highest level
And Suzhou people pay attention to "fresh"
More extreme
When the seasons are fighting
Fish and lamb come in season
Fish and sheep feast , one seat uses taste to "Xian"
Redefining the feast
Legend has it that Confucius traveled around the country
Often eaten without fruit, occasionally fish and lamb
Due to limited conditions, it can only be put in a pot and mixed together
Unexpectedly found that the taste is extremely delicious
After that, everyone followed suit, and it has been handed down to this day.
Xiangshan Taste Chinese Restaurant
Under the guidance of Mr. Ye Zhengting
Really restore the ancients' understanding of "Xian"
Turn Chinese characters into a feast for a table
Invite you to taste together
Cold dish
Sheep Cake
  Originally exclusive to the taste buds of Suzhou people, it has become a "net red delicacy" in recent years, but only in Suzhou can you eat real sheep cakes, soft roasted Q bombs, fresh and salty and delicious, and it is comfortable with secret sauce .
Eyesight sheep liver
  Tonic in winter, eating lamb is the best choice. Lamb liver with salted egg yolk has been carefully cooked. A plate of selected autumn oil makes it glow with a new soul. It is also a treasure for the young and old. .
Char-grilled Pomfret
  Pomfret's excellent way of eating must be grilled, and the chef carefully marinates it with secret seasoning. During the roasting process, the pomfret is fresh but not fishy, ​​and the skin is tender and tender.
Su-style drunk crab
  How can there be fewer crabs at this season? Taihu crabs are soaked in the master recipe for 24 hours. The mellow smell is integrated into each inch through the crab shell. The word can be described.
Raw pickled gourd
  The golden color adds a touch of vitality in the cold early winter. The crisp and sweet taste with fresh and salty taste is endless. Sometimes the seemingly ordinary ingredients can always bring people the ultimate enjoyment.
Shredded dried herring
  In the fish-eating schedule of Suzhou people, the deliciousness of herring is the most soothing taste bud at this time. Shredding fish is the way of eating for fishermen in the country.
Fortune Duck
  In the cold winter, thick oil red sauce is the most soothing. The Taihu mallard duck has been carefully processed, and every inch of duck meat is tender and smooth, sweet and attractive, and has conquered countless taste buds.
Fruity tofu
  When serving the table, a touch of fresh colors makes the eyes shine. The combination of refreshing tofu and fresh fruit can be described as creative. The entrance is like a sweet clove, giving two ordinary ingredients a new vitality.
Hot dish
Bibliotheca Soup
  As the birthplace of lamb mutton, book collection has long become synonymous with "delicious lamb". The mutton meticulously cooked with Chinese fir as a cover has a special flavor, and it will give us the courage to resist the cold winter.
Fried Shrimp and Crab
  The combination of crabmeat and shrimp is simply irresistible. The shrimp is fresh and tender, slightly sweet, and the crabmeat is full of flavor and taste. The combination of the two maximizes the temptation of deliciousness.
Rice-flavored lamb chops
  Rice fragrance is full of the temperament of the land of fish and rice, and has a beautiful meaning to celebrate the harvest. It adds a new layer of temptation to the lamb chops. It's crispy and delicious, not fat or greasy, and you want to eat it after you finish it.
Fish Ball Fatty Sheep
  Teacher Ye Zhengting said that the innovation of Su Bang cuisine should be inclusive, and the advantages of each cuisine should be widely accepted. The fish balls and fat sheep boldly blend into the highlights of Sichuan cuisine, and the fresh and tender taste is slightly spicy with Suzhou temperament, which is surprising.
Garlic tripe
  Of course, you can't miss the lamb when you eat sheep. The taste of the gluten elastic teeth makes you want to stop. The addition of garlic leaves into the pleasant garlic aroma will definitely make you can't help but shout "Beautiful".
Net oil white fish
  The net oil is the net oil in the pig's belly. It can be described as a "cross-border cooperation" with the white fish in Sanbaili of Taihu Lake. Play.
Fragrant Mountain Sheep
  The roasted whole sheep on the prairie makes many people yearn for, but the chic and comfortable eating sheep by the Taihu Lake is more popular with Jiangnan people. Two dishes of different flavors of dip make you satisfied once, the best meaning of food is probably to let us feel the beauty of life.
Rotten cabbage
  The sparse and ordinary cabbage has been treated with craftsmanship and supplemented with superb cooking techniques. It completely changed a soul. The addition of savory meat emulsion makes the mellow taste reach a new level.
Mushroom Cabbage
  A plate of Suzhou Green with a taste of home is the most indispensable classic.
Shiitake Lamb Ridge Stuffed Gold Bun
  Just looking at the sales phase has made the taste buds ready to move. The mushrooms and lamb ridges are a perfect match. They are imported together under the "golden bag" package. The taste buds and the satisfaction of the body and mind have reached the peak instantly.
Lamb siu mai
  Have eaten so much roasted wheat, but have you ever eaten lamb roasted wheat? The special treatment makes the mutton stale, only the unique mellow fragrance is wrapped under the soft skin, and the entrance is hot while satisfying.
Three White Ravioli
  The combination of Taihu Sanbai and Wonton is a must. It doesn't need extra language, and it is enough to feel its amazing with the tip of the tongue.
Fresh fish and sheep
  The fish and sheep are delicious, and they can be called a dish with a strong fireworks atmosphere: the sheep fell into the water and were eaten by fish, and the fishermen salvaged and boiled it. The fishy smell and the mutton smell are mixed and cooked together. Not only is it not fishy and not fragrant, but it is extremely delicious.
  The combination of fish and sheep is "fresh"! The fish head is hidden deep in the bottom of the pot. The mutton and shrimp are laid out on the soup surface regularly. The soup has a layer of golden grease that exudes a compound aroma. The fish meat removed from the fish head is tender and light. Heartwarming.
◆ Xiangshan flavor ◆
Fish and sheep feast

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